You can make IT in IT!
Habit Career Academy is a chance to learn more about the possible career paths and how to land your first job in the IT.
Why you should take this course?
The goal of Habit Career Academy is to set a clear path to finding the first job in IT industry through career management training, preparing for the job application and providing support in future career development.
- SHORTEN YOUR JOB SEARCH by using tools and strategies that make you stand out from the other candidates.
- GET A BETTER JOB by learning how to present your value to any potential employer.
- HANDLE ANY INTERVIEW and challenge, adopt the necessary soft skills to avoid any misunderstanding during the hiring process.
- GAIN CONFIDENCE IN YOUR SKILLS and talk freely about your accomplishments.
- LEARN HOW TO NEGOTIATE a higher base salary and other benefits in order to be paid for what you deserve!
Intro, Career Awareness and Personality Assessment
You will gain knowledge about popular technologies, types of jobs, and the possibility of employment in the IT industry. What are the skills required? What qualifications do you need to have?
Career awareness means you have to be knowledgeable about the career and job you want to have.
We'll be assessing your personality type, education, experience, interests, career values, skills, abilities and work style.
By assessing these, we'll be able to realize what occupations could match your skills, interests and preferences.
Self Branding
In this workshop, you'll get to know how to brand yourself, present your unique value proposition and adapt messaging to the target audience.
- CV
- LinkedIn profile
- Cover Letter
Goal Setting – Create Career Plan
It's time to set a clear goal — one that reflects what you really want from your career. During goal setting, we'll consider these two things:
- results of your assessment
- the information obtained about career possibilities
Combining the two will help us identify possible career directions and how to make the first step. We are setting a clear target where you need to arrive in the future.
Interview Simulation and Job Hunting
Job hunting plan and interview simulation, where we precisely define and going through all of the steps you will take in order to achieve your goals!
Intro, Career Awareness and Personality Assessment
Attendees will gain knowledge about popular technologies, types of jobs, and the possibility of employment in the IT industry. What are the skills required? What qualifications do you need to have?
Career awareness means you have to be knowledgeable about the career and job you want to have.
We'll be assessing your personality type, education, experience, interests, career values, skills, abilities and work style.
By assessing these, we'll be able to realize what occupations could match your skills, interests and preferences.
Goal Setting – Create Career Plan
It's time to set a clear goal — one that reflects what you really want from your career. During goal setting, we'll consider these two things:
- results of your assessment
- the information obtained about career possibilities
Combining the two will help us identify possible career directions and how to make the first step. We are setting a clear target where you need to arrive in the future.
Self Branding
In this workshop, you'll get to know how to brand yourself, present your unique value proposition and adapt messaging to the target audience.
- CV
- LinkedIn profile
- Cover Letter
Interview Simulation and Job Hunting
Job hunting plan and interview simulation, where we precisely define all of the steps you will take in order to achieve your goals!
Habit Career Academy is made up of 4 separate workshops (3+ hours each) with homework’s, additional literature and support during the course as well as after it’s finished.
After finishing Habit Career Academy you will be able to:
Explore and recognize your interests, needs, knowledge, skills and abilities, and apply them to the modern-day job market. You will be able to:
- Set career path goals and create a career plan
- Use various job hunting methods and strategies
- Put together efficient job application – LinkedIn profile, CV, cover letter and to adapt all this to the job you’re hunting
- Be the best version of yourself during any job interview
- Score your first job in the IT industry
Habit Career Academy can be organized individually or in groups.
Considering the fact that I’m in a business of connecting tech talents and software companies, have a good knowledge of the job market and actively cooperate with multiple software companies, you can expect a help with finding a job.